Welcome! Since 1985, the Syrinx Flute Festival has been an annual event in Winnipeg, MB.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the
2024 Syrinx Flute Festival a success!
2024 Syrinx Flute Festival a success!
NEW! Congratulations to all 2024 participants! You can find a list of Award Recipients here. Check out the 2024 Photo Gallery! A special thanks to our guest artist and adjudicator, Jack Chen. The Syrinx Flute Festival would like to thank all of our 2024 Sponsors and Donors. Congratulations to our 50/50 draw winner, Dan! Please contact us with any questions, or to order your Syrinx Merch! Please join the Manitoba Flute Association Mailing List for updates on Manitoba Flute Association Events. |
Love Syrinx? Please consider making a donation! 100% of your donation will be used toward the festival. We apologize that at this time we can provide a receipt but we are not a registered non-proift organization, so it will not be an official tax receipt. Any donation helps to ensure we will be able to maintain a high level event for years to come.

May 26-28, 2024
Fort Garry United Church
800 Point Road, Winnipeg, MB
Guest Clinician:
Jack Chen
Gala Opening Recital
Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 7:00 pm CDT
Recital Program now available!
2024 Festival Class Schedule
Please note that audience members are welcome to attend any or all classes on May 27 and May 28.
Entrance fees: Day pass - $5
(Available at the door. Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card)
2024 Festival Class Schedule
Please note that audience members are welcome to attend any or all classes on May 27 and May 28.
Entrance fees: Day pass - $5
(Available at the door. Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card)
Purchase your Gala tickets in advance!
Tickets will also be available at the door (Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card)
Tickets will also be available at the door (Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card)
Registration is now closed!
Please contact the festival for more information
[email protected]
[email protected]
Registration is now closed!
2024 Schedule Now Available
Syrinx, ou l’origine de la flûte Syrinx, or the origin of the flute Maîtres si vantés dans un Art (Famed masters, who an Art adorn Auquel les Dieux et le Hazard That of the Gods and Chance was born Donnèrent autrefois naissance, In times that long have sped, Par une juste préférence By a just preference led, Que le Goût ne peut démentir Which Taste cannot gainsay, Je veux aujourd’hui cous offrir I offer you this day Les doux passe-temps d’une Muse A pastime sweet, a Muse’s bliss Qui Apollon, si je ne m’abuse, One Phoebus, if I’m not amiss, Quelquefois daigne caresser. At times deigns to caress. Puis-je, en effet, mieux adresser Whom could more fitly I address, Et l’aventure et l’origine And origin and tel outline De la flûte, toute divine, of the flute, instrument divine, Qu’ à ceux dont le rare talent Than those whose talents rare dispense Nous rend ce bois plus éloquent The gift of its wood’s eloquence Que ne fit le dieu Pan lui-même, Beyond pan’s art to do as much, Lorsque dans son ardeur extrême As when, with fervor’s frenzied touch Ses doigts ravirent autrefois His fingers straying, knew to please Toutes les Déités des Bois? The ravished Woodland Deities? On sait assez que votre gloire So great your glory that in vain Pour se transmettre à la mémoire Lest memory it not retain, N’a pas besoin de cette encens. This tribute seeks it to enhance. Ô que, ant que le Goût, en France Ah, may, while Good Taste still in France Sous ses pieds foulant I’Ignorance, Tread underfoot blind ignorance, Sur ce monstre dominera And o’er the monster lordship claim, Toujours cotre renom vivra! Ever endure and live your fame!) - Written by Sieur Denesle in 1739. Translated by Frederick H, Martens (Louis Fleury). |
Reserve your spot. |
Questions? |