Festival Rules General information General Rules Entries
Eligibility Repertoire Program Procedure Adjudicator's Reports Admission of Public / Participants Date of Festival: May 26-28, 2024
Location: Fort Garry United Church, 800 Point Road, Winnipeg, MB Guest Artist: Jack Chen Events of Festival: Opening Gala Recital - Sunday, May 26, 2024, 7:00 pm Festival Classes - May 27 and 28, 2024 Please check back for the complete schedule which will be available shortly after registration ends. Please sign up for the Manitoba Flute Association Newsletter for updates or email the Festival at [email protected] Mailing address of Festival: Syrinx Flute Festival | 340 Strood Avenue | Winnipeg, Manitoba R2G 1B1 |
Please note: All online entries and payments should be received no later than April 17, 2024. Entries must include applicable fee to be considered valid. The festival accepts PayPal or Cheque (sent to the address above and made payable to Syrinx Flute Festival). Please contact the festival with any questions or concerns.
- All classes will be under the working management of the Festival committee.
- Any questions not dealt with in these rules will be referred to the committee.
- Complaints or protests will not receive official consideration unless made in writing, signed and directed to the Committee. Under no circumstances are complaints or protests to be made to the adjudicator.
- Please find the syllabus and link to the online entry form on the Syllabus and Registration page
- Entries must list the title and composer of selections. No change in selections will be allowed after the entry has been filed.
- Fees must be received by TBA in order for the entry to be valid. Please contact the festival with any concerns.
- There will be no refund of entry fees in the event of a withdrawal.
- Entries received after the closing date will be subject to consideration, but may result in a refusal. The Committee also reserves the right to refuse entries for any other reason.
- The Committee reserves the right to limit the number of entries in any given class.
- Minimum level: RCM Preparatory
- Classes 100, 401, and 402 are non-competitive. In all other classes, performers may choose to play competitively (receiving a grade and eligibility for an award, as well as adjudicator's comments) OR non-competitively (receiving comments only). Please inform the festival if you wish to play non-competitively.
- Performers who have attained an undergraduate degree in music, with flute as their major instrument, must play non-competitively.
- For classes 100-105, performers must choose one level. Performers may enter as many additional classes as they wish. Other available classes (depending on the level of repertoire chosen) include classes 106-114 and 501.
- Class winners from classes 100-105 must proceed to succeeding levels for future festivals.
- No individual will be allowed to participate in more than one entry in any one class. Exceptions are often made for ensembles classes.
- Personnel changes in ensembles will be allowed only in cases of illness and are subject to the approval of the Committee.
- Photocopies will not be permitted unless you have written permission from the publisher.
- For all open and ensemble classes the competitors must provide the adjudicator with a copy of the music they will perform. Performers in ensemble classes should supply a full score (if published) to the adjudicator.
- Performers must not select and perform the same piece in more than one class.
- When appropriate, performers should make an effort to edit the music they supply to the adjudicator with phrase markings, added slurs or articulations, etc.
- Royal Conservatory of Music (RCM) levels are guidelines only. The repertoire selected need not be listed in the syllabus, but must be at an equivalent level.
- One selection refers to one piece OR one (or more) movements of one piece.
- Ideally, the duration of your performance should not take up more than half of your allotted time slot for masterclasses.
- The festival reserves the right to adjust the class entered, based on repertoire selected.
- The Committee will decide the order in which the participants will perform.
- A time will be set for the commencement of each class and participants must be prepared to perform when called.
- The order of appearance in the program must be adhered to unless the performer files a written, signed valid reason satisfactory to the Committee one week prior to commencement of the festival; otherwise, the performer will be heard following the listed participants and receive an adjudication but will not qualify for standing in the class. Unavailability of an accompanist will not be considered a valid reason.
- The duration of a performance must conform to time limitations set forth in the syllabus.
- No performer will commence until the signal is given by the adjudicator or adjudicator's secretary.
- The adjudicator will have discretionary power to stop any performance at any time and/or to instruct the omission of repeats.
- Adjudicator's reports may not be recorded. You may take notes, or have someone take notes on your behalf.
- Admission of performers and the general public to the hall or halls in which the classes are being held will be governed by circumstances and such regulations as may be found advisable; which shall be made by the Committee at the time of the festival, including price of admission.
- No one may interfere with performances or adjudications.